The Murder Record
Join me, Kelley Amstutz, The Genealogy Investigator, as we learn about what was happening in the United States in the 1800s with a focus on true crime stories, uncovering some gory details... horrific events... and a lot of EARLY MURDER cases. We sate our CURIOSITY, getting an in-depth look at what the motivations were of these early criminals and what our justice and legal system was made of as we move through SOLVING these real-life whodunit crime stories.
The Murder Record
Revealing a Mysterious Murder
Who is Mrs. Mary Munday? Her body is found in the basement of a vacant home on Wisconsin Street in Toledo, Ohio and her husband is missing. This is a real WHO DONE IT!
The Stone Murder takes us to Akron, Ohio in 1896, where we meet Mr. Anson Strong, an Ohio Horse thief who is charged with the double murder of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin N. Stone. Mr. Stone had been a prior witness to Mr. Strong’s crimes…
**NOTE: More Details have been added to the BLOG post!
READ MORE about this case HERE.
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- My introduction to Genealogy Course - THE GENEALOGY ACADEMY - which is a 6-week, fully comprehensive certificate course giving you everything from A to Z on how to START your GENEALOGY business!
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DISCLAIMER: This episode is subject to graphic content due to the nature of the true crime stories as told by newspaper articles in this era and reiterated by Kelley Amstutz, Crime Travel host. View discretion is advised for younger listeners.